Commission-ready Designs

I offer these pre-made designs in an attempt to be more available in my commissions, so that if you are interested in my designs, wont have to wait 2-3 months to receive one. If you commission me for one of these designs you can expect to have it completed in 1-2 weeks time. Here is how it works:

  • by removing the individual design aspect of a design I can work considerably faster, as a result you don’t have to wait on a waiting list, or for my commissions to open up.
  • I will provide you with a shopping list of all items needed for the design. This also means its possible to cut down on furniture costs, as you will have more time to procure the furniture needed.
  • All designs can be dyed to your preference! The list will include dyes, but these can be changed out.
  • Due to these factors, these designs are available at a cheaper price compared to my traditional commissions.

Its as easy as 1-2-3!

  • Step 1: Discover your favorite designs by clicking the button below!
  • Step 2: Choose your design and download the furniture and dyes list.
  • Step 3: Collect all furniture and dye. Place the furniture into your houses’ basement.
  • Step 4: Contact me on Discord (aironoe#5512) or Twitter (@aironoe) to schedule a time to setup the shared estate in game.