Q: How does the commission process work?
Payment is paid in full before I start work on your house. Upon contact on Discord, I will meet you at the desired location on one of my housing alts. You will need to add me to your estate, or FC and give me a role that allows all housing options to be enabled. Information regarding how to set this up can be found below.

Q: Who pays for the furniture & dyes?
All housing items are to be provided by the customer. I ask that you set aside a set amount of gil so that I may purchase furniture (estimated prices listed below). If providing gil is a concern, please contact me on Discord and we can come up with a different alternative.
Small: 5M
Medium: 6M
Large: 7M
This only applies to custom-builds and not pre-made designs.

Q: How does the setup work?
1. Add my alt account to your friends’ list.
2. Social Menu > Housing Menu > Private Estate / Free Company Estate > Shared Estate Settings.
3. Select ‘Add New Tenant’. Then enable ‘Estate Customization > Adding/ Removing/ Dyeing Furnishings’
4. Close Window, now the added Tenant should get a message saying that they are now sharing an estate.

Q: Can you add me to the waitlist?
If my page states that my commissions are open I will gladly add you to the list! Please contact me on Discord (aironoe) if this is the case. If the page says they are closed please refer to the ‘Notification Signup‘, where you can sign up to receive a notification once commissions are open again. Please understand that the notification signup will not automatically put you on the waitlist, you are still inquired to contact me on Discord.

Q: How long is the waitlist?
This depends on, sometimes only a few days, sometimes it can be a few months. Please be patient with me!

Q: What item(s) did you use for X?
If you have questions like this, or general questions about how I float or glitch things, please send me a message on my discord (aironoe#5512). I also occasionally post Youtube guides explaining what items I’ve used in a specific build (here).

Q: Can you design my apartment?
No sorry. Since apartments cannot be shared among tenants I cannot design one for you. Additionally, sharing an account is also against the FFXIV terms of service, I will decline any request for me to log onto your account in order to design for you.